All Saints’ Day is a day to remember those who have died in the faith throughout history. Obviously there would be no Christianity without faithful disciples of Christ who have held fast to their faith in good times and in bad. There have been countless martyrs who have died witnessing to the love of God and the saving grace of Christ. And sad to say, in some parts of the world, Christians are still persecuted and even slain for their beliefs. Take time to think of our Christian heritage, and remember with thanksgiving those who have held fast to their faith no matter what.
Did someone you love pass away in the last year that you would like to honor during a special time of prayer and consideration on All Saints’ Day? Please register your request online or complete an All Saints’ Day Form from a Sunday bulletin (forms can also be found on the table in the Narthex) and drop it in the collection plate. NOTE: If your loved one’s first or last name has a unique pronunciation, please spell it phonetically, too.
** Names and photos must be received by Sunday, October 26 to be included in the presentation during the worship service on Sunday, November 2. **
* To include a picture of your loved one in our All Saints’ Day tribute, please send an email to and attach the photo (solo or with 1-2 loved ones) or drop your picture by the church office so we can scan it for you (photo will be returned).