On Sunday, March 30 we will be recognizing UMCOR Sunday. For 50+ years, United Methodist congregations have been taking part in a special offering, laying the foundation for the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s ministry of relief and hope. UMCOR’s work of alleviating human suffering around the world includes disaster relief and supplies, disaster risk reduction, health, and humanitarian development.
Donations to UMCOR Sunday provide the money needed to run the administrative side of UMCOR. All contributions will go toward the administrative costs of UMCOR so that 100% of other designated collections for UMCOR go directly to those collections.
Click here to watch a short video and learn more about UMCOR Sunday!
For the next couple of weeks, we will be accepting donations for UMCOR Sunday. There are two ways to contribute:
- Mail or drop off your checks payable to UMC Monroe and put UMCOR Sunday in the memo line.
- Give online through Realm on our website. On the home page, click on UMCOR Sunday — you’ll be linked directly to the fund. (Fund: Special Sunday-Give Now-UMCOR)
UMCOR accepts donations all year long – whether through our church or directly to the organization. The need is always there to assist our brothers and sisters around the world.
Questions: Contact Rose Aiello