Please join us for Community Coffee Hour from 7:30 am – 8:30 am on Zoom! A place to laugh, share the special close moments with Christ each of us experience at different times or circumstances and pray with like-minded people in a safe and confidential environment. never underestimate the power of coffee with a friend…
Join us for Pizza & Praise! Who: Anyone who likes to sing, play an instrument, share a song, or just hang out with praising people. What: A gathering of God’s children of ALL ages to sing a set selection of praise music, an open mic time for anyone who wants to share a song or…
Please consider joining our choir! We welcome everyone and all abilities. We offer up a special choir anthem almost every Sunday, September through mid-June. Practice is 8:45 am – 9:30 am at the piano in the sanctuary. 100% attendance is not required. Music is provided and occasional 1:1 practice can be arranged if desired. Contact…
We invite you to join us as for in-person worship services at UMC Monroe! For anyone who cannot join us in our sanctuary for worship, we’ll continue to livestream our service via Zoom until further notice. In Person Worship Information UMC Monroe In Person Sunday Worship Service Time: 10:00…
On Sunday, March 30 we will be recognizing UMCOR Sunday. For 50+ years, United Methodist congregations have been taking part in a special offering, laying the foundation for the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s ministry of relief and hope. UMCOR’s work of alleviating human suffering around the world includes disaster relief and supplies, disaster risk…
Weekend Leader: Uta Robertson 203.297.3772 For more information about Footsteps, click here.
Good morning! Click here to join us for our Wednesday Wakeup call. Never underestimate the power of coffee with a friend … To view an archive of Wednesday Wakeup calls, click here.
Please join us for our Palm Sunday service at 10:00 am … in person or via Zoom We’ll have a palm procession with fellowship and an egg hunt right after worship for ages 10 and under. (pending confirmation) Click here to join us via Zoom. Meeting ID: 965 4066 9674 Passcode: 2819 Dial-In: +1 929 205…
Join us for breakfast on Palm Sunday during Coffee Hour! Hosted by the McGuire Family
Please join us for our Church Family and Friends Easter Egg Hunt! Immediately following our breakfast on Palm Sunday we’ll be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for UMC Monroe youth. The hunt will take place outside, weather permitting. Please remember to bring an Easter Basket! Questions: Sunday School Leaders