A member of the Eastern Fairfield Cooperative Parish

This Mother’s Day, give more than just a card and purchase a blanket benefitting Church World Service (CWS)!

Continuing a long-standing tradition in our church, we will be collecting contributions to purchase blankets through the Church World Service (“CWS”) Blankets+ Program.  Only $10 to supply and ship a blanket to a person in need — wherever they may be around the world!!  A blanket can serve as warmth, shelter and comfort. 

Each donation can be designated “in honor” or “in memory” of someone close to your heart.  The deadline to submit names for inclusion in our Mother’s Day bulletin is Sunday, May 4 — with payment due no later than Sunday, May 11.  Gift cards are available on the narthex table.  

Donation Options: 
  1. Drop your cash or check (made payable to UMC Monroe with CWS Blankets in the memo line) in the collection plate or drop it by/mail it to the church office.
  2. Donate online through UMC Monroe’s Online Giving platform. Select the Mother’s Day Blankets button on our home page or click here. When making your donation, please make sure the selection is set to Mother’s Day Blankets from the fund drop down menu.  NOTE:  If you’re donating online, please provide your in honor/in memory names to Rose using the Mother’s Day form.
  3. To print a copy of the Mother’s Day flyer, click here.
 Any questions can be directed to Rose Aiello.