A member of the Eastern Fairfield Cooperative Parish

Christian Education

Adult Education Coordinator:  Please contact the church office at umc@umcmonroe.org or 203.268.8395 for more information about our Adult Education progranms.

The Education Committee creates communities in which people of all ages experience God’s active presence in their lives.  The Committee builds the knowledge of the Bible, the Christian faith, the United Methodist church and the societal context in which the church finds itself.  They develop opportunities for practicing skills in faithful discipleship.

Bible Studies are conducted throughout the year with varying themes depending on the season.  You can also join us on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am (via Zoom) for Wednesday Wakeup or grab a cup and join us on Friday mornings at 7:30 am (via Zoom) for Friday Community Coffee Hour.  All are welcome!  Invite a friend or family member!

Children’s Education Co-Coordinators:  Sue Simmons and Sheryl Rajpolt

Sunday School classes run from September to June for Pre-K to 5th grade.  Children and youth leave worship for their classes after the Youth Moment.  The curriculum is developmentally appropriate, biblically based, and has an emphasis on growing spiritually and developing a heart for service.  On the first Sunday of the month the youth participate in the worship service and all stay in worship to participate in communion.

Participation is open to all interested and volunteers are welcome.

Church Council

Chairperson:  Sheryl Rajpolt

The Church Council acts as the “governing body” of the United Methodist Church of Monroe and serves as the primary administrative body of the charge conference. It plans and carries out programs that fulfill the congregation’s nurturing, outreaching, and witnessing ministries. It also leads the visioning and strategic planning process within the church.

The Church Council generally meets every other month on Tuesday or Wednesday evening at 7:15 pm. Meetings are open to all interested persons.

Finance and Stewardship

Chairperson:  Bill Schmalkuche 

The Finance Committee is responsible for the financial health of the congregation. The committee raises, manages and disperses the monies needed by the Church to carry out its mission according to instructions from the Church Council.

Chairperson:  OPEN

The Stewardship Committee plans and implements a comprehensive ministry of Christian stewardship.  The Committee facilitates UMC and other stewardship resources for all age levels and faith stages and links organizations, people and resource in and beyond the congregation with respect to Christian stewardship.

Treasurer:  Rose Aiello

The church treasurer disburses all funds received into the church treasury in a responsible and organized manner, with funds identified and bills paid when due so that the mission and ministry of the congregation is effective.  The treasurer will disburse all money contributed to the local church budget, keeping accurate records of how money is spent.

The treasurer works with finances according to the guidelines established by the finance committee for total fiduciary responsibility, including compliance with all applicable governmental tax guidelines.  The treasurer works with the financial secretary and chair of the finance committee on finance, church council, the charge conference, and in some cases, the trustees.  The treasurer is accountable to the charge conference through the church council.

Financial Secretary:  Anita Stabler-Hussey

The Financial Secretary will receive, record, and deposit all funds received by the congregation in a timely, thorough and confidential manner.  They will work with the Treasurer and Finance Committee to develop policies and procedures so that funds can be made available to support the ministry of the congregation. 

The Financial Secretary works according to the guidelines established by the Finance Committee to receive funds, record them, and report them to the Treasurer and Committee.  The Financial Secretary keeps records of how much money is given by whom and reports amounts received to the appropriate people; checks the records, quarterly, against those of the Treasurer; and keeps records in good order for an annual audit.

Lay Leadership

Lay Leader:  Rose Aiello

The Lay Leader is the primary lay representative of the laity in the church and provides leadership across the church community.  The leader acts as an advisor to the pastor and participates in cross-functional committee meetings and activities.   The Lay Leader meets regularly with the pastor to discuss the state of the church and the opportunities for ministry.

Membership, Evangelism and Care

Membership Chairperson:  Steve Arnold
Care Coordinator:  Gail Mas

The Membership and Evangelism Team ministers and cares for all members and evangelize, nurture and witness to UMC members and our community.  The team plans and implements a vital comprehensive outreach ministry to reach people of all ages with Christian love and healing.

Perhaps one of the truest expressions of our faith in action, the Care Team stands ready to serve in both deed and prayers. Whether in celebration of joyous occasions with our members and friends or reaching out a helping hand in times of need, this ministry is the essence of faith in action. Members can be counted on to make visits to our homebound members, send out homemade get well and sympathy cards, organize the Prayer Chain as well as provide meals and transportation during times of illness and hardship.

These teams work closely together to share the love of Christ.  Participation is open to all interested and volunteers are welcome.

Missions and Social Concerns

Chairperson:  Lynn Abbott

The Missions and Social Concerns Committee coordinates the planning and implementation of a comprehensive ministry for involving the congregation in mission.  The team links with organizations, people and resources both in and beyond the congregation and guide us in worship and fellowship that highlights mission.

Participation is open to all interested and volunteers are welcome.

Staff Parish/Pastor Relations (SPPRC)

Chairperson:  Darlene Dobler-Palin

The Staff Parish/Pastor Relations Committee (SPPRC) reflects biblically and theologically on the role and work of the pastor and staff as they carry out their leadership responsibilities.  The committee assists the pastor and staff in assessing their gifts and setting priorities for leadership and service and acts as a liaison/facilitator of any disputes between staff and the church community.

Membership is by election and meetings are closed due to confidentiality.


Chairperson:  Brian Sherwood

The Board of Trustees is made up of elected persons who are entrusted with the care and up keep of the physical surroundings of the church. These include building repairs and grounds maintenance, improvements, insurances and regulatory compliances.  The trustees, the Chairperson of  SPPRC and the Pastor ensure proper maintenance of the church-owned parsonage.  There is also a fiduciary responsibility to manage funds bequeathed to the church, such as scholarship funds, emergency repair funds and investments.

Members are elected at Annual Charge Conference.  Most meetings are open to all and are held monthly.


Visitation Chairperson:  Please contact the church office at umc@umcmonroe.org or 203.268.8395 for more information or to schedule a visit

The Visitation Ministry is one of love and compassion to those who are homebound or are in need of special care. The ministry allows us to keep in touch with the needs of our people, to share the love of Christ in difficult circumstances, and serve as a connection line within our church community. Visitations are done regularly by the Pastor and volunteers.

Participation is open to all interested and volunteers are welcome.


Chairperson:  Patti Early

The Worship Team, working in conjunction with the Pastor, Choir Director and organist, oversees the components of meaningful, spirit-centered, and fellowship-friendly worship experiences of the United Methodist Church of Monroe combining a wide variety of worship elements, traditions and experiences.

The Worship Team plans and coordinates our Sunday worship services and service participants as well as special seasonal services.

Participation is open to all interested and volunteers are welcome.