Before you know it, our kids will be back to school — that means it’s time to start shopping for school supplies! While you’re out doing your shopping, please consider picking up a few extra supplies to support our August Mission.
We begin our annual backpack/school supply collection (ending Sunday, August 18)! Items will be donated to Covenant to Care/Summerfield UMC. School supplies could include pens, pencils, notebooks, glue sticks, etc. Please leave items in the wagon in the narthex OR backpacks can be placed above the coat rack as you enter the rear of the building.
Monetary contributions are also welcomed. Cash or checks (made out to UMC Monroe with “back to school” in the memo line) can be left in the offering plate or mailed to the church office. You can also donate online — a donation button can be found on our homepage.
Questions? Please reach out to Rose or Lynn