A member of the Eastern Fairfield Cooperative Parish

Before you know it, our kids will be back to school — that means it’s time to start shopping for school supplies!  While you’re out doing your shopping, please consider picking up a few extra supplies to support our August Mission.

We’re collecting NEW backpacks and school supplies for Summerfield UMC after-school program and the foster children of Covenant to Care.  Suggested items include notebooks, pencils, crayons, markers, etc. — any items that are useful for school start-up and during the school year.  All items can be left on the shelf above the coat rack outside the music office/as you enter through the back door.

Monetary contributions are also welcomed.  Cash or checks (made out to UMC Monroe with “back to school” in the memo line) can be left in the offering plate or mailed to the church office.  You can also donate onlineA donation button can also be found on our homepage.  The deadline to donate is Sunday, August 20.

Thank you for your anticipated response to our collection.

Mission Contact:  Lynn Abbott