UMCOR UPDATE: Hurricane Helene Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee are beginning to recover from the catastrophic impacts of Hurricane Helene. You have likely seen images, videos and stories from flood victims and survivors as they assess the property and lives lost in their communities and beyond. The devastation is unimaginable.
If you have the ability and desire to contribute to the disaster response, you can give through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Your checks can be made payable to UMC of Monroe with “UMCOR US” in the memo line — you can leave your check in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. You can also give online by going to the homepage of our website and clicking on the “Hurricane Helene/UMCOR Response” button or click here.
As always, every dollar given to UMCOR Advances go directly to disaster response, relief and recovery.